Comfort zone

Comfort Zone

What comes to your mid when you hear the word "comfort"? 

I think of happiness, tranquility and relaxation. In other words, I know I have what I want and need in order to feel comfortable.

However; "Comfort" can be negative if we are too used to it. Think of all the activities you think you can do even with your eyes closed. How much space is there for learning there if you already know how to do them? 

Here is the Comfort-Learning - Panic model that demonstrate how learning can happen successfully:

Learning is a long-life process and once I accepted this, I have rarely stayed too long in the Comfort Zone. On the contrary, I look forward to being in an unknown situation or problem. This is not easy because it challenges not only your knowledge or skills but also your inner peace and how one reacts to this new situation.

I found this video to encourage ourselves and others to leave the "Comfort Zone" more often.

"Success is not in the comfort zone" "Be comfortable being uncomfortable"

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